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0756680543 / 075-668-0543 Phone Number Reverse Lookup
User Reports
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Received a call from 075-668-0543 phone number or have any information availible? Report immediately.
Posted: 19th Jan, 2010 by annie
I get many calls from this number weekly, but i never pick up, but they call very late at night too, and about 3 times a day ! whats going on with this ?
Posted: 4th Jan, 2010 by Cocoalea
I have received sever calls from this number and they say "Bueno". I don’t speak Spanish and I'm tired of the calls. Today I decided to play their game, I made my up own language and kept talking. They were speechless
Posted: 2nd Nov, 2009 by Marcy
Sometimes nothing is said. Other times someone says "Bueno" and then nothing. Today it was a recorded voice that said "Good Bye". That is all that was said.
Posted: 28th Oct, 2009 by letty
calls multiple times a day, hangs up when I answer
Phone owner: Arizona Call
Posted: 31st Aug, 2009 by Dave
I have received sever calls from this number over the last week. They ether hang up or start speaking spanish when I answer.
Posted: 29th Aug, 2009 by chris
They have been calling me and speaking in spanish.
Posted: 7th Aug, 2009 by LInda Jensen
When I answer they either speak in spanish and when I answer in english they hang up or when I say hello they hang up.....
Posted: 7th Jul, 2009 by ejchi
I have received these call a few times and have reported them each time. Today I did what I always do when I get several calls, I add the callers number to my phone and save it with a 'no ring' ring tone. I go back once a week and check to see when they called and add it to the 'do not call' data base. No more ringing and the govt. still gets the information they need.
Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 25th Jun, 2009 by flower
i pick the call and just hang up everytime.
Posted: 3rd Dec, 2008 by Mike
Keep getting phone call from 480-999-1234 several times a day. Getting tired of it. They need to send these "spics" back across the border.
Posted: 3rd Dec, 2008 by Mike
Keep getting phone call from 480-999-1234 several times a day. Getting tired of it. They need to send these "spics" back across the border.
Posted: 22nd Oct, 2008 by kenny
has called twice, but says nothing when i answer
Posted: 22nd Oct, 2008 by KEN
Posted: 24th Sep, 2008 by Myndi Gonzalez
once I heard someone speaking in Spanish. This time I heard nothing. When I called back it was automated and said lines were busy.
Posted: 22nd Sep, 2008 by Kimo
They have been calling me 4-5 times per day for over a week now. I wish I could go the normal route and speak to a manager to get some traction, but that is not likely to help based on what I have read. Has anyone tried saying they are interested but need to speak to someone who speaks English then telling them you will be suing them for harassment? That is my next step, if they wake up my children one more time...
Posted: 20th Sep, 2008 by kks
Calls multiple times a day over the past week. One couple call was at 2:00 in the morning. Spanish speaking man.
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Phone number variations : 0756680543 - 075 668 0543 - 10756680543